Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Year of New Eyes and Quiet Industry

That is how I see this new year. A chance to enjoy my renewed reading energy and map out the how and the where and the why of what lies ahead.

The journey over the last few years has been larger than life, lit up by lights too bright to see what is real and true. Last year, the lights dimmed and things got back to normal, so wonderfully simple, down-to-earth and all-real. What a blessing to finally be comfortable in my own skin, blissfully surrounded by family, friends and a world of books. And to have lived and loved with everything you've got.

So this year, the task is to stick to the real and the true. To find one's way and to continue to make a life worthy of the gift of life itself.

This year I promise but one thing: to share the blessings in every way I can.